The Helios Report #7
By: Daniel Thwaites Sr.
What’s What in the Heliosphere
Hello again, everyone! This here is the seventh edition of the Helios Report. For first-time readers, The Helios Report is the go-to place for weekly updates about the project, news of mass adoption, and interesting quick-facts about the Cryptosphere.
This week has been a busy, behind-the-scenes kind of week here at Helios Protocol. We have sent team members far from home, networking and building relationships in the Blockchain world. A huge thank you to those of you out in the field, you know who you are ;) This week has also been filled with more testing, testing, and yes, more testing as well. We’re continuing the testing of our fully scalable, multi-chain smart contracts and have made huge strides. We can’t wait to launch them on Mainnet!
If you have not heard of the Helios Army yet, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!? The Helios Army is comprised of our elite community members who are dedicated to spreading the message of Helios Protocol. These members are heavily rewarded for their efforts. Positions in the Army are extremely limited and are only available each Open Enrollment Session on the 1st and 15th of each month. Only the strong will survive to reap the bonuses. Do you have what it takes? Apply here, apply now!
Bounty Hunter of the Week: @azisjesika
Please join us in a round of applause for this week’s Bounty Hunter of the Week, @azisjesika! Congratulations, you will get a bonus of 50% on your video bounty submission for the week! Thank you for the amazing video, we loved it! The video can be viewed here. We recommend mashing that like button and giving it a share ;)
Meme of the Week
Special Thanks to @lordblackpuma for the submission!
This Week in Mass Adoption
Another week has gone by and brought us many tales of imminent mass adoption. Here we relate the tales; US Federal Reserve: Now Hiring, Blockchain Vs. Child Labour, Coca-Cola and the Blockchain Factory(ies), The EU: The Central Bank Strikes Back, and more. Read on…
The US Federal Reserve posted an open position this week for a payment manager. The duties were to include the researching of cryptocurrencies, including Stablecoins, as payments for the retail industry. This may be in response to China’s recent embracing of Blockchain tech. Hopefully, we will see more of these types of government jobs being created soon.
Volvo is joining automakers Ford and Volkswagen and electronics company, LG, in the fight against child labour used to mine cobalt. The pilot program, run by the Responsible Sourcing Blockchain Network (RSBN), recently wrapped up and was successful in the tracking of over 1 ton of cobalt from the Congo using IBM Blockchain technology. This is just another example of the good that can be done with Blockchain tech. We will see a lot more of this in the future!
After a successful pilot program, Coke One North America (CONA), the IT firm that runs the supply chain for Coca-Cola, is expanding to include almost 70 more shipping plants in the program. The program is using the SAP Blockchain to try to streamline the operation which does $21 billion annually.
In response to the possibility of Facebook’s LibraCoin to topple financial markets, the EU has drafted a document stating the European Central Bank should look into creating a public Cryptocurrency of their own. This along with a recommendation for a universal Cryptocurrency framework could be the beginning of new regulations for Hodlers in EU countries. It also mentions potentially banning projects they judge to be high-risk.
According to Coindesk, Webjet, a digital travel firm, has launched a hotel booking platform on the Blockchain. They used Microsoft’s BAAS sandbox, Azure to build their app called Rezchain. Rezchain will constantly check all data for the booking industry to prevent overcharges, overbooking/double-booking issues, and other problems that arise.
Hey, Did Ya Hear That…
…quests will be live in the next Forgotten Artifacts patch? The great outdoors, coming soon…
…Australian-based Power Ledger has partnered with South Australian power wholesaler Powerclub? Virtual Power Plant is the future…
…VC firm Andreessen Horowitz is starting a free crypto startup school? Learn it to earn it!
…Presidential Self-Unhopeful candidate John McAfee is giving out free $WHACKD tokens which will trade on McAfeeDex? That’s deflating (token) news…
…the Stellar Development Foundation burned 55 billion tokens leaving the supply at 50 billion $XLM? May I have my lighter back, please?
…China is to begin testing a Blockchain-based ID system for future Chinese “Smart Cities”? Future + SSNs = Decentralized and China is showing the way!!
..the People/s Bank of China’s Digital Currency Research Unit and Huawei have signed an agreement? Details remain scarce…for now…
…China will no longer try to ban the mining of Cryptocurrencies? That sentiment reflects mine…
…Binance will be helping Ukraine develop cryptocurrency guidelines and regulations? Setting that precedent!!!
…Shanghai is teaming up with multiple banks to tackle the trade industry with a Blockchain Alliance? This includes the PBoC ;)
…NASDAQ-backed exchange DX.Exchange is on a temporary hiatus while they try for a merger or sale of the platform? They just need a little help from their friends…
…multi-asset investment platform has purchased Delta, a leading Cryptocurrency portfolio tracking app? With 500k+ downloads and counting, that’s …huge!
…Quinn Emanuel Law Firm joins Frost Brown Todd, Perkins Coie, and Steptoe & Johnson in accepting Cryptocurrency as a payment option? Be nice and you won’t need to ;)
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