The Helios Report #10

Helios Protocol
8 min readDec 5, 2019


The Helios Report #10

By: Daniel Thwaites Sr.

What’s What in the Heliosphere

Desyat’. Diez. Tio. Zehn. That’s right, TEN!!! Hello, fam! We’re celebrating ten weeks of the Helios Report. Ten weeks of info, info, and more info, plus there’s even more exciting info to add to the info. So much info! We’ve got a Lil’ Ol’ thing called Blockchain integration, a sweet design upgrade is in the making, Testnet talk, and the next Town Hall Q & A has come and gone. Starting in 3. 2. 1….

Amazing news everyone!!!! The Helios Blockchain has been integrated into the Alterdice Exchange!!! We’re very excited to say trading will start in the near future. This is a huge step for us and we couldn’t be more excited. We really couldn’t have done this without the help of the best community around!!! Thank you all again for your Grade-A dedication 💪

The Testnet has been running live testing of our Smart Contracts for some weeks now and developers are encouraged to come and test it out. There is a Testnet faucet right on our website where you can receive Testnet $HLS which can be used for trying out the features of the platform. Come see how fast transactions can really be!!!

We have been working on the wallet redesign and it is nearing completion! We are very pleased with the new look and feel. We hope to share some sneak peeks with you all soon. Keep those eyes peeled!

The Town Hall Meeting Q & A #3 elapsed Monday evening at 5 pm PST (8 pm EST)! Did you make it out to see some of the team? We hope you got your questions in and earned 25 $HLS for them! We will have a full recap in next week’s Helios Report. Stay tuned!


Welcome to DappNation, a bi-weekly review of popular DApp projects chosen by the community. We ask, you nominate, you vote, we review. From Blockchain games to supply chain DApps, whatever is the most voted project gets a turn in the spotlight!

Your suggestions are collected in the comment section of a Tweet from our Official Twitter account and will be added to the tally until Thursday Night. The top ten most mentioned projects move on to the voting round. Voting is held in our Official Telegram Group and runs from Friday to Sunday. The project with the most votes will find itself being reviewed right here.

The first round was exciting and the communities of two great projects really stood out. Those were Neon District and Forgotten Artifacts. Forgotten Artifacts dominated the suggestion round with 55 total mentions and earned a sure spot in the voting round along with 9 other fantastic projects. The FA community quickly stepped up and took a big lead early on in the voting round. It wasn’t long before the ND community took the torch and blew ahead of everyone by a commanding lead. Going into the final day, ND still had a significant lead but FA came back strong and with just a few hours to go found themselves down by less than a dozen votes. FA quickly made up the difference in the final hour and the two were tied. In the end, it was FA who came out on top by a mere two votes, 145–143 and will honor us by being the first project to be reviewed on DAppNation. Congratulations to Cliff Cawley and the Forgotten Artifacts community!!!

In the future, reviews will be published simultaneously with the Helios Report. The first winner, Forgotten Artifacts, recently underwent a significant upgrade to the game. Therefore we have decided to postpone the review until after the new patch has been played in order to give the most relevant review possible. We appreciate everyone’s patience, thank you! Stay tuned to our SM accounts to stay updated!

Bounty Hunter of the Week: Alaho15

Please join us in congratulating Alaho15 for being named Bounty Hunter of the Week!!! You will be receiving a 50% bonus this week! The winning submission was an amazing article which can be read here. Thank you Alaho15 and everyone who submitted bounties! Keep ’em comin’!

Meme of the Week

This Week in Mass Adoption

Mass adoption, huh, what is it good for? Absolutely everything! Every week that goes by supports this sentiment. Are you ready for it? With all this fantastic news, it is imminent! Just look at this past week. Huge stories came from all around the globe like the Red Cross is putting aid on the Blockchain, more banks are getting more bang for YOUR buck, flying the friendly skies with Blockchain, and rice makes its on-chain debut! Grab a bowl, have a seat and Read Calm…

The Red Cross branches of Norway, Denmark, and Kenya are piloting a Blockchain program to bring speed and transparency to the aid process. This would also give a boost to local economies according to an article from the Thomson Reuters Foundation. By using Cryptocurrencies backed by local currencies trading would be made easier for local residents. People can earn “credits” for doing jobs, receive “credits” as payment for trades, and receive any aid directly to a mobile app. The bartering system could also be kept track of (who owes what to who, etc) with this new program. If it is successful, which past pilots have shown to be the case, it will be expanding to other nations.

Reuters reported some huge news from UK-based HSBC. By March of 2020, the bank intends to transfer $20 Billion worth of assets over from the caveman ways of paper to their new Blockchain-based platform, Digital Vault. Customers will be able to check on information relevant to their accounts and holdings instantly. This will eliminate the need to physically receive paper statements which can sometimes take days to acquire and will save a huge amount of physical materials such as paper, ink, energy to print, and fuel used in the delivery process. This is a great move by HSBC all around.

Fidelity’s Center for Applied Technology (FCAT)has teamed up with security token platform TokenSoft to launch an internal Cryptocurrency dubbed the BBT Token. This ERC-1404 standard token was used by the Bits and Blocks Club as a trial run to reward employees for outstanding performance and attendance. Fidelity continues to show they are fully behind Blockchain technology and the many uses of Cryptocurrencies.

Some high-flying Blockchain news from the Wall Street Journal landed this past week. Aircraft parts manufacturer Moog, Inc. has successfully tested out the combination of Blockchain and 3-D printing. An Air New Zealand plane en route to LA from Auckland ordered a replacement part from Moog via their Blockchain system VeriPart, which is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure cloud. The part was 3-D printed at a Moog facility in LA and delivered to the airport where it was installed on the plane. Instead of days to weeks waiting on a part, it happened in less than a day from what was essentially nothing the day before. This could streamline the industry creating a more efficient and transparent replacement-part market.

In tastier news, The Nation I Thailand, served up an extra bowl of news this week. The Trade Policy and Strategy Office of Thailand has said it will start tracing the export of organic agricultural products starting with rice. Mid next year is the target to launch the pilot program with near 5000 producers and farmers having been made aware of the future program. The TPSO plans on using the service for other exports if the pilot program is successful. From in-field cameras, potential buyers will be able to verify the organic label is justified and also see where the rice has traveled before reaching the shelf. Another fine example of Blockchain improving the food industry!

JP Morgan Chase’s Auto financing division has big plans for Blockchain according to a report by TheBlockCrypto. The company filed a patent and aims to register every vehicle in their inventory on the Blockchain. This would allow carmakers, lenders, and dealers to easily access all information about any vehicle including tracking with GPS. Efficiency and transparency, here we come!

The Afghan Voice Agency delivered some huge news from the healthcare sector in Afghanistan. Utilizing the Fantom Blockchain, the Public Health Ministry will try to fix a sector that is in dire need of help. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two parties. The aim is to get all medical records digitized so hospitals across the country can find out relevant patient information quickly and have an accurate history. They will also be using the Fantom tech to fight fake medications. This is a great step toward safer access to medical care in Afghanistan and beyond!

Hey, Did Ya Hear That…

…Cisco filed a patent to secure 5G networks with Blockchain? Blockchain rules!

…a new study from Juniper Research says that Blockchain can save $31 Billion per year by 2024 through combating fraud? Eat that!

…Poloniex acquired the TRX Market DEX? It’s now to be called Poloni DEX.

…Poloniex Tweeted to buy Tron and later deleted it? Is self-hype contagious?

…Snode is closing operations? Withdraw before Dec 7th!

…UpBit was hacked? The $50 Million lost will be covered by the platform!

…India is planning to go full Blockchain to bring it all together? Connecting…

…PundiX is taking orders for its decentralized mobile phone, BOB (Blok on Blok)? $600 USD, not bad!

…IBM is trying to stop packages from being stolen by drones using Blockchain? Cool

… launched its Multi-Blockchain DApp store? A must see!

…a single Blockchain contributor gained control of 6 block-producer positions on the EOS network? …HELIOS!!!!!

…Kakao CEO, Yeo Min-soo boasted its Klaytn Blockchain is blowing Facebook’s Libra out of the water in terms of development progress? Sorry, Mark…

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Helios Protocol

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